Real Estate Management Advisors, LLC

Choosing the Best Property Manager for You

How to Pick the Best Property Manager
There are many property managers in the Philadelphia area. Many of them are very good. There are several factors that go into picking the best property manager for you. Here’s a list of questions to help you figure it out.

What percentage of their business is property management and what percentage is property sales?
A real estate agent who mainly sells houses may be great, but they probably aren’t the best choice to deal with the day to day issues that come up when managing properties.

How many clients do they have?
There’s a big difference between a property manager that has 1,000 clients who own 1 property each and a manager that has 50 clients with 20 properties each. Managers with a large client base with few properties may have a streamlined operation. However, it’s going to be difficult for them to focus on the needs of each individual client. On the other hand, managers who few clients can deliver excellent service, but may not prioritize the needs of the investor who only owns one property.

Do they manage commercial or residential properties?
To do the best job, Managers need to have experience the type of properties that are in your portfolio. If they only manage commercial properties and you own residential properties or vice versa, it may not be a good fit.

Do they manage properties in the same area ad yours?
If your property is 45 minutes away from the other properties that they manage, they’re not going to be there as often. Your property may end up getting put on the back burner. Property managers need to be close to their properties to be the most affective.

Are the properties that they manage in a similar economic area as yours?
If you rent to high income tenants and they mainly lease to low income tenants, they might not be the best fit. This will factor into their ability to find qualified tenants, ability to get repairs done & ability to retain good tenants.

Real Estate Management Advisors, LLC – REMA specializes in commercial & residential property management throughout the Philadelphia area. Upgrade your property management today at